Posts Categorized As: Machine Guarding

Blog Post #1321 – Worker Injury Results in $50,000 Fine for Toronto Food Products Producer

Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’ A worker, employed by Select Food Products of Toronto, Ontario, was injured while trying to remove a stuck label on a labeler machine. The labeler machine was not equipped with a guard that prevented access to the pinch point as required by law. Select Food Products is an … Continue Reading

Blog Post #1313 – Burlington Company Fined $90,000 After Worker Injured

Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’

A worker, employed by Cogent Power Inc. of Burlington, a manufacturer of transmission equipment for distribution of electrical energy, was injured after becoming caught in moving machinery which had not been equipped with a guard or other device to prevent access to a pinch point, as required by law.

Blog Post #1312 – Strapping Machine Injury Results in $65,000 Fine for Mill Operator

Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’

A worker, employed by Norbord Inc., of Toronto, Ontario, an international company that produces wood-based products, including Oriented Strand Board (OSB), a type of engineered wood, was injured when a machine activated unexpectedly. The machine was not equipped with a guard or other device in place to prevent access by a worker to hazardous moving parts.