Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine
Saskatchewan’s 6,500 volunteer firefighters will have access to the same presumptive coverage as professional firefighters with the expansion of WCB coverage to include volunteer firefighters.
Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine
Saskatchewan’s 6,500 volunteer firefighters will have access to the same presumptive coverage as professional firefighters with the expansion of WCB coverage to include volunteer firefighters.
Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine
Saskatchewan is one step closer to becoming the first province to implement “Clare’s Law” that will provide better protection against intimate-partner violence.
Province of Saskatchewan Gets Paid Job Leave
Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine
Saskatchewan legislature has introduced and passed paid job leave for survivors of interpersonal and sexual violence on May 13, 2019.
Excerpt from the OH& Canada magazine
The Saskatchewan coroners service 86 recommendations following the completion of its investigation into the fatal collision involving a coach bus carrying Junior hockey players from Humboldt Broncos and a semi-tractor trailer on a rural highway on April 6, 2018. The report, released on February 25, 2019 recommended the following: