Posts Tagged As: Fall protection in Durham Region

Blog Post #453 – Avoiding the Fall

Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine By Jason Contant One need only look back to last Christmas Eve in Toronto for a grisly example of why proper fall protection is so very important. It was the afternoon of December 24, 2009 when a swing stage separated in the middle, sending five construction workers plummeting 13 … Continue Reading

Blog Post #450 – Working at Heights Legislation

The new Ontario ‘Working at Heights’ legislation looks to be enacted around the June, 2014 timeframe in the Ontario ‘Construction’ regulation 213/91. There will be a 2 year grandfather grace period for compliance attached. (anyone after May 31, 2016 must have the new ‘Working at Heights’ standard which will include a 3 year renewal. That, in itself, is a big change as the original ‘Fall Protection’ record of training (ROT) was non-renewable.)

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Blog #444 – ‘Falls’ Target of Investigations in Whitehorse

Excerpt from the OH&S Canada Magazine WHITEHORSE — The Yukon Workers’ Compensation Health and Safety Board (YWCHSB) has released its preliminary findings into three falls at two different work sites last year. One incident, at Marsh Lake on September 8, 2009, involved a construction company supervisor who sustained injuries to the head, ribs and one … Continue Reading