Posts Tagged As: Health and Safety

Blog Post #1584 – Construction Company and Director Fined $117,500 Total After Worker Fatally Injured

Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’

A worker, employed by VanHeughten Contractors Inc. of Delhi, Ontario, was fatally injured after falling approximately five metres from a roof. VanHeughten Contractors Inc. failed to ensure the measures and procedures prescribed under section 26.1(2) of Regulation 213/91 were carried out in the workplace, contrary to section 25(1)(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Kyle VanHeughten failed, as a director of VanHeughten Contractors Inc., to take all reasonable care to ensure that the corporation complied with section 26.1(2) of Regulation 213/91 contrary to section 32(a) of the Act.

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Blog Post #1583 – Workplace Injury Results in $50,000 Fine for Guelph Cabinet Maker

Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’

A worker sustained critical injuries while using a saw blade to cut cabinet drawers. BND Woodworking Inc. failed, as an employer, to ensure that equipment, materials and protective devices provided by the employer were maintained in good condition at a workplace, as required by section 25(1)(b) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

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