Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine
A judge who headed the inquest into a school bus crash that killed an Alberta girl says all drivers should have to disclose health issues, list medications they’re on and submit to random drug tests.
Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine
A judge who headed the inquest into a school bus crash that killed an Alberta girl says all drivers should have to disclose health issues, list medications they’re on and submit to random drug tests.
Many people know section 25 of the ACT. But are they also as familiar with the second half of the duties for employers? Section 26 has additional information that must be adhered to and is just as important to the safety in the workplace as the information provided in Section 25.
Before 2009, drywallers were not allowed to use construction stilts, in Ontario, under any circumstances.
In 2009, the laws were changed and stilts were finally allowed. There were, however, a large set of requirements in the new regulation 443/09.
Excerpts from the Ontario Government ‘Newsroom’
IMT Corporation, a metal forging company, was fined $60,000 on February 4, 2010, for a violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) that caused an injury to a worker.