Blog Post #1199 – COVID-19 – Controls Tightened as Cases Rise and Possibly Second Wave Looks

Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine

The looming prospect of a second wave of COVID – 19 this fall as governments cautiously monitoring daily infection rates as economies restart and students return to school.

A widespread return of economic and social restrictions that closed businesses and schools and cancel public events in March is not the preferred option, but there may be no choice, says politicians and health officials.

“The last thing that anyone wants is to have to once again shut down her economies and suspend our lives to try and counter a massive second wave,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in early September.

He stressed public vigilance to fight the pandemic, frequent handwashing, mask wearing and physical distancing, because “as we’re seeing with cases rising across the country, we are not out of the woods.”

Winnipeg epidemiologist Cynthia Carr sent Canadians should brace for more restrictions and shutdowns if COVIUD-19 cases continue to rise, even without the arrival of the second wave.

“There could still be a large increase in cases related to behaviour and that gives government opportunity to go, ‘OK, what are we going to change now to get the transmission back under control?” she said. “That’s where government will need to focus.”

My opinion

This article was part of the September October magazine and is extremely outdated even today. The second wave is upon us and the restrictions listed above no longer apply.

The Americans are finding almost 200,000 cases of Covid-19 every day and the number of deaths is well over 1000 every day now.

The province of Ontario is seeing a major increase as well. Over 1400 cases reported yesterday, November 17, 2020.

There is good news on the horizon, however. Two major drug companies have a vaccine with a 90% to 95% success rate, (great if true) and we could look at a large-scale vaccination near the spring of next year.

Keep your fingers crossed!

Daniel L. Beal

CHSEP – Advanced Level
VP & Senior Trainer
HRS Group Inc.


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