Blog Post #1485 – Workplace Injury Results in $120,000 Fine for Thunder Bay Pulp and Paper Company

Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’

A worker, employed by Resolute Forest Products Inc., Thunder Bay, Ontario, a pulp and paper company, was seriously injured while improperly using equipment to move a transformer without the appropriate steering handles and pads. Resolute Forest Products Inc. failed to ensure that the measures and procedures prescribed by section in the ‘Industrial regulation’ 851/90.

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Blog Post #1484 – Workplace Fatality Results in $135,000 Fine for Thunder Bay Contracting Company

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Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’

While replacing the left hydraulic lift cylinder of the arm of a front-end loader, a worker, employed by Finn Way General Contractor Inc., of Thunder Bay, Ontario, was fatally injured when the loader arm dropped after the hydraulic cap placed on the hydraulic lines was removed, releasing the pressurized fluid in the right hydraulic lift cylinder that was holding up the weight of the arm. Finn Way General Contractor Inc., failed as an employer, to ensure measures and procedures prescribed by the Industrial Establishments’, Ontario Regulation 851/90 were carried out in the workplace.

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