Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine
An employer in Kingsville, Ontario has been ordered to pay $23,500 migrant worker after a human rights tribunal found that the worker had been fired for making a complaint about racial taunts in the workplace.
Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine
An employer in Kingsville, Ontario has been ordered to pay $23,500 migrant worker after a human rights tribunal found that the worker had been fired for making a complaint about racial taunts in the workplace.
Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’
Sun-Brite Foods Inc., a company that processes and cans field crops, has pleaded guilty and has been fined $70,000 after a seasonal farm worker was critically injured.
Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’
Willow Hawk Farms Inc., a small family farming operation, has been fined $18,000 after a worker was injured by a mechanism used in processing soybeans.
Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine
ShellMark Farms Ltd., operating in Manitoba, received a $48,000 fine on June 28, 2012 following the injury of a young worker.