Report from the OH&S Canada magazine (June 2017)
A recent work refusal at Sterling Fuels Ltd. in Windsor, Ontario caused the company to suspend work temporarily for most of the ship-offloading and loading staff.
Report from the OH&S Canada magazine (June 2017)
A recent work refusal at Sterling Fuels Ltd. in Windsor, Ontario caused the company to suspend work temporarily for most of the ship-offloading and loading staff.
Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’
A worker was injured falling into a vehicle service pit. McDougall Energy Inc. failed to implement measures to protect a worker, as required under section 13(3) of the Regulation for Industrial Establishments, contrary to section 25(1)(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Excerpt from the government of Ontario’s ‘Newsroom’
A worker was fatally injured while replacing a faulty hydraulic hose on a forklift. Revital Polymers Inc. failed, as an employer, to ensure the forklift was not left unattended, contrary to section 58 of the Regulation for Industrial Establishments and a violation of section 25(1)(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Report listed in the OH&S Canada magazine (June 2017)
Original Report written by Jeff Cottrill – Editorial Assistant
The Ontario Ministry of Labour has launched a new Construction Health and Safety Action Plan in a bid to reduce injuries, fatalities and illnesses in the construction industry, Labour Kevin Flynn announced on May 11, 2017.