Blog Post #1574 – Recommendations on Standards Released in Alberta

Report from the OH&S Canada magazine – March 2017

Report by Jean Liam

A working group tasked to review employment and labour standards for Alberta agriculture sector has recommended that farm workers should not get overtime pay and that family members who work on farms should be exempted from all employment and labour standards.

The report notes that most jurisdictions in Canada exempt the agriculture sector from overtime. As work hours in the farming sector are unpredictable, an overtime rate would lower the base rate and present “complications” in calculating pay. Applying employment standards to family members working on farms would also be “impractical and unfeasible, as well as burdensome without providing any benefit,” the report says.

The report by the Employment Standards Technical Working Group was posted on the website of the Alberta government on March 06, 2017. Members of the public were given until April 03, 2017, to provide feedback on the recommendations made by six technical working groups, which started reviewing employment and labour standards for the province’s agriculture sector in May 2016.

Alberta’s Minister of Labour, Christine Gray, says she is pleased to share the working group’s first set of recommendations. “We would seek feedback as we go through the process, and I encourage Albertans to look at the recommendations and provide their honest and rank responses.”

Other recommendations include the following:

  • The work assigned to farm workers under the age of 16 must not be detrimental to their health, education or welfare. And parental consent must be obtained by employers;
  • Work hours for waged, non-family farm workers aged 12 and 13 should not exceed 20 hours per week;
  • Waged, non-family employees should have 4 days off every 28 days; and
  • Minimum wage should apply to waged, non-family farm and ranch workers, except those who work in primary production like greenhouses, nurseries, sod farms and mushroom farms.

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) responded to the release of the working group’s report by urging the provincial government to implement strong basic-rights protections and regulations for all farm and ranch workers. “Given that the vast majority of agricultural workers are not unionized, whatever regulations are put in place for the Employment Standards Code will serve as the basic floor of minimum rights for most Albertans working in the agriculture sector,” says AFL president Gil McGowan.

McGowan also raises concerns on three recommendations: expanding paid, non-family youth employees in the industry for 12 and 13-year-old; adding new exemptions for primary production like greenhouses; and exempting employment standards for family members who work on farms. “When you allow kids that young to work for pay, it is a suggestion that they should be able to do potentially dangerous jobs such as operating heavy equipment,” he suggests.

The provincial government says it will start drafting legislative amendments based on the recommendations and public feedback.

My opinion

“Farms are active work sites and dangerous scenarios sometimes lead to tragic consequences. In 2015, according to statistics collected by AgSafe Alberta, six kids died on farms in the province, with the total number of deaths at 20 that year. From 2014 to 2022, there were 148 people who died working on farms.”

Report made Mar 12, 2024

What is the most common cause of farming accidents?

Struck by moving vehicle (28%): this is the leading cause of fatal injuries on farms. Farm vehicles, such as tractors and harvesters, can be dangerous if not operated carefully. Struck by moving/falling objects (15%): injuries caused by objects falling from heights or being struck by equipment can be fatal.

Report made Aug 20, 2024

Is Alberta a good place to farm?

The Alberta agricultural industry is one of the biggest in Canada since Alberta has 35% of the agricultural land in the country. The quality of its wheat and beef is not exceeded by any other country in the world. Within Canada, its main competitor is Saskatchewan, which has 40% of Canada’s agricultural land.

Report made Mar 3, 2020

With approximately 75% of the Canadian agricultural land in Saskatchewan and Alberta, the reader can see the need to drive worker safety in these two jurisdictions. Where else would it be so needed.

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Ensure your workplace is a safe place.

Remember – In Canada, “ALL Accidents are Preventable”

‘Work’ and ‘Play’ safe.

Daniel L. Beal

CHSEP – Advanced Level
CEO & Senior Trainer
HRS Group Inc.




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