Posts Categorized As: Federal

Blog Post #1522 – Men, Women Respond Differently to Bullying: Study

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Report from the OH&S Canada magazine (January 2017)

Article by Jean Lian

Workplace bullying doubles women’s sickness absence, leads to an increased use of antidepressants and affects women’s health negatively and for a long time, while men are twice as likely to leave the labour market for a period of time. These are the findings of a study out of Aarhus University and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, released on December 12, 2016. The findings are based on the responses of 3,182 people in public and private organizations who took part in the study.

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Blog Post #1512 – New Data-Sharing Agreement Created

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Excerpt from the OH&S Canada magazine ((January 2017)

The Ontario Ministry of Labour has worked out an information-sharing agreement with the federal government to protect the rights of the province’s temporary foreign workers (TFW). The agreement, announce by the Ministry on December 16, 2016, will facilitate the exchange of data about employers and recruiting agents between the federal and provincial governments.

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