Blog Post #129 – A Banner Day for HRS Group Inc. – Registered Blog Comment 10,000!

I have enough material to create many more blogs but today I have to speak from the heart and this blog is personally aimed at my readers.

I started blogging at the end of November last year, and here we are, August 30th, 2011 and we have 131 blogs to date. This is not the special information I want to pass on to the readers. No, the real deal is that I have just reviewed the 10,000 registered comment! Wow!!! There are comments from all around the world. Russia, Poland, Australia, India, many from England, and much from my friends in the United States as well as my home country of Canada.

Thank you all.

It drives me to continue to attempt to improve health and safety in the workplace, wherever and whenever I can. There is too much information available out there not to be able to do so in the long term. The problems in the workplace exist and if I can add my voice to those that need it, then I will.

Since we have started this blog section of our new website (thank you Jeff Piper from we have continued to reach a larger and larger audience and have received requests for training from as far away as Newfoundland. I have been asked to provide articles and editorials for two large health and safety magazines which, in itself, is truly amazing.

The MOL in Ontario has an uphill battle awaiting them. The troubles in the workplace continue but the dedication of the MOL inspectors is awe inspiring. They have made a significant difference here, I can tell you. Ask any company executive or employer that has a contravention of the ACT, how vigilant the MOL has been. No stone unturned, right?

The AFL (Alberta Federation of Labour) also has an uphill battle. The province of Alberta lacks the dedication to the workers in that province with outdated regulations and child labour issues. Accidents happen far too often and very little in the way of deterrence is meted out. Fines of $10,000 have been issued there, oh yes, a sizable contribution to an engineering department of a top school is also added) and no apparent time table for payment. All smoke and mirrors! I pity them the work they have ahead of them but I believe the AFL is up to the task. Someone needs to listen and they are the voice.

Bill C45, which is now section 217.1 of the Canadian criminal code, is seven years into its enactment. Has it made a difference? One only has to review any federal issue since 2004 where a criminal investigation has been initiated concerning a workplace incident or accident. There are many examples out there and I believe section 217.1 of the Canadian Criminal Code has improved the workplace.

Is there still room for improvement? Yes, I believe there is. Let us hope that legislation changes quickly when needed. Health and safety in the workplace is not getting better, and since the provinces are taking on the load of the health care costs, they should take a more active approach to improving workplace issues like they do in Ontario, Quebec and B.C. where health and safety is a priority. If your province does not see it that way, then call you MPP or MP and let them know of your concerns.

You have a voice, USE IT!

In closing,

Again, I want to thank all those who have read my many blogs and I want to send a special thank you to those brave enough to leave comments. I know it takes time out of your busy day to do so but I want you to know that I read each one personally. MY first blog, written in November, “Am I Glad to be Working in Ontario”, has almost 600 comments on its own!

In your heart you know that health and safety in the workplace is very important. You have given me the support by your comments and have helped to justify my writing the blogs in the first place.

Let us work towards the elimination of workplace injuries. We all need to do our part.


As always,

Remember — In Ontario, “ALL Accidents are Preventable”

‘Work’ and ‘Play’ safe.

Daniel L. Beal
CHSEP – Foundation Level
VP & Senior Trainer
HRS Group Inc.

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