Blog Post #492 – Day 4 at the CSSE Conference in Calgary, Alberta – September 13, 2014

Good Morning,

Here I am at the CSSE Conference I have finished the classroom portion of the course and went out last night for a large piece of Alberta beef. It was a wonderful way to deal with the stress of the class.

I now have to complete an assignment, (expected pages to be over 20) and will spend approximately 40 hours to complete in the next 4 weeks. Wish me luck.

I met some dynamic people in the class. British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario as well as Alberta were represented and there were members of the oil industry, the power industry, government agencies and well as us in the private consulting sector. Many ideas were exchanged and I think there is a good chance for us to keep in touch for future events. Who knows, we may even have a reunion. Yeah right! It certainly would be worth the trip.

Today is the CSSE Conference registration. I have the day free other than that so I think I may see the sites and possibly visit a beautiful granddaughter that lives only 15 minutes away. Yes, the city of Calgary has lots to offer.

Bye for now.

Daniel L. Beal – CHSEP

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